Information Manager

Grace A. Bell
General Registry Department
Ground Floor, Government Administration Building,
133 Elgin Avenue, PO Box 123, Grand Cayman KY1-9000

Categories of Information

A Class of Information is a way of collecting together similar types of information. The General Registry has grouped its Classes of Information into broad categories (or functions) which reflect the General Registry’s outputs. If you are intending to make a request, the following grouping of information should give you an indication of where the information may be found.

Our mission is to deliver exceptional customer experience through the administration of corporate, intellectual property and vital events registers that promote the Cayman Islands as the leading place to do business. For more information visit About Us section.

Administering the authority’s operations at the organizational level; developing business plans and corporate policy; setting long-term goals and objectives; evaluating the agency’s overall performance and progress towards established targets; managing programs to improve business processes and ensure consistent service delivery; preparing or revising laws and other regulatory instruments that affect the authority’s functions and responsibilities; obtaining legal advice from external sources.

The Authority oversees the functions and activities of eleven Registers namely; Companies, Partnerships, Trusts,  Non-Profit Organizations, Public records, Births, Deaths, Marriages, Co-Operatives, Trade Unions and Building Societies.

A list of services provided by the General Registry relative to the various registers it oversees is: