Information Manager
Grace A. Bell
General Registry Department
Ground Floor, Government Administration Building,
133 Elgin Avenue, PO Box 123, Grand Cayman KY1-9000
Freedom of Information
As a public authority, the Cayman Islands General Registry (GR) is committed to openness, transparency and serving the public interest in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act (2021 Revision). The FOI Act gives the public a right of access records held by public authorities, but also sets out some exemptions from that right.
A copy of the FOI Act can be found here: Freedom of Information Act
Publication Scheme
Each public authority covered by the FOI Act has a legal duty to adopt and maintain a publication scheme. The main purpose of a publication scheme is to make information readily available without the need for specific written requests.
The GR’s publication scheme can be found here: GR Publication Scheme 2024